
Book Frimpeezzy Media Productions

Looking to book Frimpeezzy Media Productions for your next wonderful occasion? Simply fill out our booking form and we'll get back to you within 24 hrs.

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We encourage you to review the following link before submitting an inquiry to become familiar with Frimpeezzy’s work: Gallery

Wanna promote your brand?


At the time of booking, a 50% non-refundable deposit is required to hold your date and time. Your session fee deposit can be made in the form of debit or credit card via PayPal. Appointments made without deposit may not be honored and are subject to cancellation. Payment of the deposit acts as an agreement to all of Frimpeezzy Media Productions policies.


Sessions must be paid in full prior to shoot date or immediately after the shoot via cash, or CashApp.


An additional $25 surcharge will be added for every 30 minutes late.


If you are unable to make your portrait session all deposits will act as a cancellation fee. 48 hours of advance notice of cancellation is required in order to credit the deposit towards a future session. In the event that Frimpeezzy Media Productions is not able to shoot the session for any reason, another photographer will replace him and take on the contract. 


Image proofs are returned to the client 24-48 hours from when they are taken. Image proofs are watermarked, while retouched images are not. Images take approximately 14 business days (Monday-Friday) from when the client selects images to be retouched. If a client would like the unedited images (jpg file format) without a watermark a release fee is required.


The CLIENT hereby assigns Frimpeezzy Media Productions the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish photographs of the CLIENT for promotional and educational purpose only. The CLIENT releases all claims to profits that may arise from use of images.

Payment of deposit constitutes as agreement to Frimpeezzy Media Productions policy and procedures